Hi, I'm Minae.

I spun up this page using 11ty for my portfolio. 11ty is a static site generator (SSG) that lets you use various templating, programming, and markup languages to create a website. To deploy the page as a website, I used Netlify.

I write and consult for software documentation projects, and I especially enjoy dealing with modern web technologies. My background in technical education, software development, and applied linguistics means that I can pick up the gist of most software projects quickly. That means you'll need less time to onboard me and explain what npm is, or how to use git, or how CSS works. I'm available for contracts - email me to schedule a 30 minute discovery call.

A complete list of technologies used to create this site

I've replicated more or less this exact same portfolio page using an array of other technologies, including Astro.js, Docusaurus, ButterCMS, Hugo, Vercel, GitHub Pages, and more. You can find them from my linktree.